Home - Home Appliances, Tools and Household Goods - Large Home Appliances - Refrigerators - Hitachi - Ref with bottom freezer, 180x68х76, ref-308L, freez.-107L, 3doors, А+, NF, inv., black (glass)

Hitachi Ref with bottom freezer, 180x68х76, ref-308L, freez.-107L, 3doors, А+, NF, inv., black (glass)

The Hitachi R-WB600PUC9GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek black (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The refrigerator's sleek black exterior adds a modern and stylish touch to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-WB600PUC9GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its three-door configuration, inverter technology, and black glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a sophisticated element to your kitchen space.
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